Thursday, July 29, 2010 » Memasukkan Status Y!M Ke Blog

IM-Online! » Yahoo! Messenger's Status GeneratorSetelah lama vakum dari blog ini, kali ini Ifat datang dengan langsung membawa berita yang yang cukup menarik :D

Ifat mau mereview sebuah website penyedia layanan pemasang status icon Yahoo! Messenger yang bernama

Emang apa sih kelebihannya?
Yang Ifat tahu dari tag title dari website tersebut, mereka menyediakan fasilitas Yahoo! Messenger's Status Generator. Artinya kita bisa menampilkan status Y!M kita dengan sangat mudah yaitu cukup memasukkan ID Y!M kita ke tool yang disediakan di web tersebut. Kemudian seketika itu pulalah kode HTML untuk blog dan kode Bulletin Board untuk forum langsung siap digunakan.

Rasanya Ifat ga perlu menjelaskan panjang lebar deh soal caranya, soalnya disana tuh udah dijelasin detail banget di halaman How To Use. Dan kerennya lagi, kita sama sekali ga dipungut biaya sepeser pun untuk nempelin icon-icon yang mereka sediakan ke blog kita, alias free! Coba aja tengok halaman About mereka kalo ga percaya ;)

Oh ya, kalau temen-temen khawatir situs ini akan menyalahgunakan ID Y!M kita, temen-temen harus lihat halaman Privacy Policy mereka nih.. Soalnya disana udah dipastikan kalo mereka ga bakal nyimpen informasi apapun terkait account kita. Jadi aman deh... :)

Dan kalo temen-temen mau tanya lebih lanjut soal web ini, jangan nanya sama Ifat yah... soalnya kan bukan Ifat yang bikin hehehehe :D tapi tanya aja langsung sama mereka pake formulir kontak di halaman Contact.

Gimana, mau coba? Udah, langsung aja cek TKP-nya!! ^_^

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Internet Marketing Tips: Advertise On Blog!

As I mentioned in the last article about "Earn Income With Your Blog Now!", you can earn more income from the internet with your own blog easily.

And now, I will give you another tips about internet marketing when you act as a seller from a product and want to advertise your product with ease and cheap.

You know that in the internet, search engine is the best way for customers find products they want to buy. And search engine use methods with complicated alghorithm. But, we don't need to understand about that. We just need to know that one important element used by search engine is backlinks from websites to review about relevant products.

You can personally ask to your blogger friends to write down your products in their blogs. But, how many your friends did you have? Moreover want to help you? How wide their blogs can catch the viewer?

If you use this manual way, you will waste lot of your time and energy. But you can use third party agent who can give you services in this works. You don't need looking publishers with your own. Just register at this link and let them works for you.

Pay them with few bucks and just wait your website appear in many of blogs at the first page of search engine result. Slowly but sure your customers will come to your website to buy your products ;)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Earn Income With Your Blog Now!

Do not waste your time anymore just to make something useless when you are connected to the internet! But, use your time and facilities to earn income with your blog. You can make it just be a side job if you already have a main job at another company. Believe me, it won't interfere your main job at all. You can do it with your time off whenever you want.

All you have to do is just sign up at this link and then see the instructions on their site. The main tasks is you will be asked to make a post review of the advertiser's website. Yes, it just simply as that.

I've been doing this job for couple years and get many of dollars with just few minutes in a day. A very short way to make online money :)